What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are healthy bacteria typically of the strains lactobacillus or bifidobacterium (don't stress over the complicated names...). They are found naturally in your body and in certain foods such as breast milk and yogurt.
What do they do?
Probiotics help to maintain a healthy gut and can aid in treatment of diarrhea, IBS, and colds.
How do I give to my baby?
Culturelle is one brand of probiotics that come in a powdered form. The easiest way to give them to your baby is to mix it in with formula or milk in a bottle then have them drink it down. There is no added taste, so your baby shouldn't notice. If your baby is eating solids, you can have them eat yogurt which contains probioitcs.
Do they help?
We saw an immediate improvement once we started Jack on probioitcs. We ahve continued to keep him on them during the flu season. They are expensive (about $28 for a pack of 30), but in my opinion, they are worth it for a healthy baby.
What are your thoughts on probiotics?
Have you ever given them to your family?
Do you eat foods with probioitcs?